Friday 30 January 2015

God Is Good

After the day of my conversion in 2012, I went into a period of darkness where I did not know whether I was coming or going. I couldn't see where I was going. All I had to go on was the conviction that God is Good and that He was taking me to a good place. It's only in about Dec. 2012, that I could once again see where I was going as good things did indeed begin to happen.

This has been so ever since. Until now. Now, I am back in that place of darkness, where I can't see where I am going and once again, all I have to go on is that God is Good and that He is leading me to a good place. I was talking to a priest this morning, who confirmed that every believer goes through a dry, desert experience in their walk with God. He withdraws His consolations and you feel as though every step is a hard slog.

This is a time of testing, and it is as though God is testing our hearts to see if they're true to Him. He is testing why we are following Him. Is it because we desire more of Him, or is it because we want more of His gifts.If it is the latter, you will certainly fall by the wayside because one will get discouraged by the waiting period. Whereas, if it's the former, you would have tasted God, and known that only He can satisfy the hunger of your soul no matter how barren the desert experience gets. You hang on, as a deer pants for water, for the day when He will once again quench that thirst that nothing else can satisfy.

So yes, the going is tough at the moment, but I wait in faith that this God who I love so much, will show Himself eventually and quench my thirst for Him. In parting this priest friend of mine joked that this is why God has so few friends, because He treats them so "badly."

To God be the glory.


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